Tuesday, October 29, 2013

3ish weeks to go!

It won't be long now before Asher Edward Lowery arrives! 
Lately I am pretty useless.. Lots of resting. Cleaning.. Cooking.. Housework and homeschool is pretty much it for me. I feel like a beached whale when I lie down and getting up off of the couch is now a workout. Awesome. But Baby Asher is healthy.. And the girls are super excited to meet him! Chloe practices daily on how to old baby brother it's so adorable! Ryan swears I am growing a body builder.. I crave red meat .. Eggs and milk nonstop. Poor Ryan misses chicken. I hadn't even noticed until he pointed it out. 

Thursday, October 24, 2013

Homeschool Halloween Pinterest Project Fail.

Today we invited over two other families that homeschool to tackle some Halloween Themed Projects! The girls had so much fun having friends over and making everything! Here are some pictures from our day! Project 1: Pumpkin Rice Krispie Treats with Tootsie Roll Stems.. all but 4 fell apart but they were yummy. Project 2: Slime.. made from Elmer's Glue, Borax, water, glitter and food coloring.. this was my favorite of the day! Each kid took home a bag to play with even Ryan had fun playing with it. Project 3: Popsicle  stick pumpkin door hangers. Those were by far the easiest craft of the day!
Every kid loves a good mess!
Adorable Sisters!
Bryson enjoyed eating the sticky mess!

 Slime time!

 Pumpkin door hangers


Fourish weeks to go!

We only have around four weeks to go until the littlest member of our blended family arrives! I have been busy getting everything ready for his arrival.. Which comes right in the middle of holidays and Chloe's birthday.. Adding more excitement to our already busy schedule. So as I nest and waddle around the house I make check list after check list hoping we will finished when he decides to join us. Last night Ryan finally noticed how big my belly has gotten. He just stared at it and was in shock... He thinks he is gonna be a big boy! I hope so I do love me some big chunk baby thighs. 

So happy week 36! 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Princess-Solider Tea Party

Just one of the fun Memories from this past summer with all of our wonderful children.

What could melt your heart more than A Daddy in uniform with his girls having a backyard tea party!? Nothing!
Love this picture!

 Our Girls! (Chloe.Abby.Kinsley)
 He is the sweetest man in this world... and these girls simply adore him!

Let's make a toast!

Abby came for the cookies & Chloe was busy teaching her doll to drink properly!


I feel like you are THE REWARD for everything I DID RIGHT in my life...

Clearly this quote sums up exactly how I feel about Ryan. After years and years of chaos and a lifetime of being let down and hurt.. God sent him to me. The old saying "timing is everything" couldn't have been more true for us. We were given just enough time to fall in love and know that we didn't need another second to decide we were meant for each other and couldn't stand to be apart before he had to leave me for work. So I followed him.. and will continue follow him wherever his crazy job takes us. I love him more than words could ever explain and this day that we shared our Vows to each other could not have been anymore perfect.


Maternity Session for My Asher Baby Bump!

I never did Maternity photos with the girls and with being the last baby I decided last minute to have photos taken! Luckily our Photographer.. Gracee Febus was willing to work with my family to get these done before I was anymore of a GIANT beast! She is the BEST. Enjoy!